Hawaiian Macadamia Lavender Rice.

Thank you to everyone who has come by the blog and sent some kindness my way. You are all very much appreciated! Today I want to share this delicious and comforting rice dish.

I got my lavender from my favorite Hawaiian Lavender Farm, Ali’i Kula Lavender. I have written about them in a previous post that can be found here. There is a wonderful shop on the farm filled with all kinds of fantastic goodies, the majority of which are vegan. πŸ™‚ Dried lavender can also be found at a plethora of farms all over California (like Clairmont Farms & Highland Springs Resort) and there are tons of websites where you can find affordable, dried, culinary lavender online.

Topped with Vegan Crab Cakes.
Topped with Vegan Crab Cakes.

Hawaiian Macadamia Lavender Rice

adapted from:

The Lavender Cookbook by Sharon Shipley


1 c chopped Maui onion (or Vidalia, or Walla-Walla)

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp freshly grated ginger root

2 cloves garlic, minced or grated

1 c long grain brown rice, uncooked

2 1/2 c no-chicken broth (you can use Better than Bouillon, Edward & Sons bouillon or Imagine brand No Chicken Broth)

1/2 tsp sea salt (or to taste)

1 c macadamias, chopped (I like to get mine from Purdy’s Farm on Molokai, but they are mail order only)

1 tbsp lemon zest

2 tbsp Earth Balance (buttery spread or coconut spread)

1 tsp dried lavender

Freshly ground black pepper

1-2 tbsp chopped parsley


In a medium sauce or saute pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onions, ginger and garlic. Cook for about 4-5 min. Stir in the rice and toast for about a minute. Next, add the broth. Taste your broth for salt. I find Better than Bouillon to be saltier than other brands, so taste before you add any additional salt. You can always add more salt, but too much is hard to fix. Bring your rice to a simmer. Cover and reduce the heat to med-low and cook for around 20 minutes. Check on your rice to make sure it’s not drying out. If it looks dry, add a bit of water. If your rice is not tender after 20 minutes, continue to cook until tender and all of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove the rice from the heat and stir in the zest and nuts. Cover and let stand about 5 minutes, then stir in the Earth Balance, lavender and parsley. Season with freshly cracked black pepper to taste.


4 Comments on “Hawaiian Macadamia Lavender Rice.

  1. holy cow, I just discovered your blog and your wonderful theme!! This rice really does sound like comfort food, just perfect. Plus, anything with macadamia nuts is pretty much a hit with me. I love those little buggers.

    • Macadamias are so good! My dad and I went to Purdy’s Macadamia Farm on a Molokai day trip and it was incredible. We learned all there is know about macadamias and now I only want my nuts from those awesome 90 year trees I met. πŸ™‚

  2. Wow this sounds amazing – I rarely cook with macadamias which is quite remiss of me – I actually cooked with macadamia butter tonight and it was really good. And I am fascinated by lavender recipes. Will be bookmarking this

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